发表的论文: 1. Diao, L., Li, W., Zhang, W., Ma, Q., & Jin, J. (2021). Electroencephalographic Theta-Band Oscillatory Dynamics Represent Attentional Bias to Subjective Preferences in Value-Based Decisions. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 149. 研究贡献:通过EEG时频分析技术考察了基于个体主观价值评估的注意和决策相关神经振荡机制:theta频段神经振荡表征个体普遍性的基于主观价值评估的注意偏好。 2. Diao, L., Li, W., Fan, L., Valesi, R., & Ma, Q. (2021). Dissociable neural oscillatory mechanisms underlying unconscious priming of externally and intentionally initiated inhibition. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 162, 121-129. 研究贡献: 通过EEG时频分析技术考察了主动与被动决策(行为抑制)的神经振荡特征:主动决策与alpha-beta频段神经振荡有关,被动决策与theta频段神经振荡有关。 3. Diao, L., Qi, S., Xu, M., Fan, L., & Yang, D. (2017). Electroencephalographic theta oscillatory dynamics reveal attentional bias to angry faces. Neuroscience Letters, 656, 31-36. 研究贡献:通过EEG时频分析技术考察了个体对不同情绪面孔的注意加工的神经振荡机制:个体对愤怒面孔的注意加工速度最快(vs. 高兴面孔及中性面孔),且这种愤怒面孔的注意加工优势与顶-枕叶theta频段神经振荡加工密切相关。 4. Diao, L., Qi, S., Xu, M., Li, Z., Ding, C., Chen, A., Zheng, Y., & Yang, D. (2016). Neural signature of reward-modulated unconscious inhibitory control. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 107, 1-8. 研究贡献:通过EEG时域技术考察了个体在奖赏情境下的控制加工特征(N2及P3)。 |