报告题目:Social status and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from Chinese privately owned firms
报 告 人:刘洋 研究员(浙江大学)
主 持 人:彭新敏 教授
报告摘要:In countries such as China, where Confucianism is the backbone of national culture, high-social-status entrepreneurs are inclined to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities due to the perceived high stress from stakeholders and high ability of doing CSR. Based on a large-scale survey of private enterprises in China, our paper finds that Chinese entrepreneurs at private firms who have high social status are prone to engage in social responsibility efforts. In addition, political ties and institutional development positively independently and jointly moderate the social status–CSR relationship. Our findings shed light on CSR from a new perspective (i.e., entrepreneurs’ social status) and clarify the boundary conditions of the social status–CSR link from the institutional perspective.
专家简介:刘洋,浙江大学管理学院创新创业与战略学系百人计划(文科)研究员,博士生导师,曾赴瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)、美国克利夫兰州立大学(Cleveland State University)进行访问。研究兴趣主要集中于转型经济背景下的创新管理与战略管理。已在《管理世界》、Technovation,Thunderbird International Business Review, International Journal of Technology Management、Journal of Cleaner Production等国内外重要期刊录用发表多篇论文,主持国家自然科学基金等多项科研与教学项目。
刘洋博士的科研与教学曾获得蒋一苇企业改革与发展学术基金奖、中国企业管理案例与质性研究论坛最佳论文、第一届《中国工业经济》优秀论文奖、本科教学优秀奖等多项荣誉与奖励。现为Journal of Management & Organization 编委,包括《管理世界》、R&D Management、Management and Organization Review、International Business Review等多本期刊匿名评审人。