题目:家族企业传承对数字化转型战略的影响(Embracing the future: The dynamics of succession and digital transformation in family businesses )
摘要:This study investigates the interplay between intergenerational succession and digital transformation strategies in family businesses. Drawing upon the Affect Infusion Model (AIM), we examine the moderating effects of family ownership, Confucianism, and the successors’ education background, and childhood experience. Leveraging a sample of 6062 firm-year observations from China's A-share markets, we empirically test hypotheses and find consistent support, unveiling the nuanced dynamics within family business digital transformation during intergenerational succession. This study bridges psychological theories with SEW concepts, expands SEW understanding by categorizing types, and deepens insights into how generational transitions impact strategic decisions in family firms. Implications extend to practitioners and policymakers, offering valuable insights for family businesses to navigate the challenges of digital transformation.
教授,博士生导师,消费者可持续消费研究中心主任,市场营销学硕士课程主任 (2020-2023)。国际电子商务协会区域副总裁(英国),2022-23年英国东北市场营销年会联席主席。 研究专长为:数字新媒体营销创新科技创新使用行为,科技创新使用,旅行, 旅游消费者行为及等。已发表前沿科研成果SSCI论文会议论文及专著共100多篇,包括Journal of Service Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Business Research, Business Strategy and the Environment, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Information & Management,等。同时担任多家SSCI国际刊物评委和专家审稿人,顶级期刊 Tourism Management 编委及Technological Forecasting and Social Change特刊主编。
题目:在职消费与企业创新(Perks and Corporate Innovation: A Stewardship Perspective)
摘要:This paper examines the relationship between executive perks and corporate innovation through the lens of stewardship theory. Utilizing a large sample of Chinese firms, it reveals a positive link between executive perks and innovation. It documents evidence that perks can nurture stewardship behaviors and mitigate managerial myopia, thereby boosting both R&D investments and patenting activities. However, it also uncovers a contrasting negative relationship between perks and innovation efficiency, as measured by the ratio of patent applications to R&D expenditures. Taken together, perks effectively increase both innovation efforts and output at the cost of innovation efficiency due to the inherent risks of innovation activities and diminishing marginal returns from investment. These findings emphasize the need for a comprehensive assessment of the impact of executive perks on innovation, prompting corporations to weigh both positive incentives and potential efficiency drawbacks when formulating compensation and innovation strategies.
简介:研究领域主要涵盖了公司金融、市场化会计研究和研发与创新等方面,研究成果广泛发表在国际主流学术期刊。目前他担任了JCR一区期刊Research in International Business and Finance的中国区域主编,以及International Review of Financial Analysis、International Review of Economics and Finance、Finance Research Letters等多家期刊的副主编。