题目:Volatility-of-volatility and the cross-section of option returns
地点:腾讯会议 ID: 161-321-800
主持人:王朝晖 教授
承办:金融发展研究所 数量经济研究所
Abstract: This paper presents a robust new finding of a significant negative relation between equity option returns and the volatility-of-volatility (VOV). After controlling for numerous existing option and stock characteristics, the VOV effect remains significantly negative. It also survives many robustness checks. A conceptual model provided reveals the pricing mechanism behind the VOV effect. The high-low return spread on option portfolios sorted on VOV cannot be explained by standard risk factors, and survives double sorting using a variety of control variables.
报告人简介:阮鑫丰,现任新西兰奥塔哥大学金融学高级讲师(终身教职,相当于国内长期教职岗副教授),博士生导师, 研究生主任, 研究生委员会主席。浙江理工大学工学学士学位,西南财经大学运筹学与企业管理决策方向研究生,新西兰奥塔哥大学金融学博士,新西兰奥克兰理工大学博士后。主要研究领域为资产定价和衍生品。目前在 Journal of Financial Markets, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control,Journal of Futures Markets,Energy Economics, Finance Research Letters,Economic Modelling等国际期刊发表 SSCI、SCI 论文共 近40篇。已指导金融学博士生毕业4名,正在指导金融学博士生5名和硕士生2名。