主 持 人:罗德明教授
讲座内容:Inefficient environmental regulations can lead to the misallocation of abatement inputs between firms, resulting in an aggregate output loss. To combat pollution, the Chinese central government adopted a top-down approach via the cadre evaluation system in 2006. While effective in reducing emissions, this tightened regulation proved inefficient in minimizing the cost of emissions reduction. Our study evaluates the output loss resulting from inefficient environmental regulation in China from 2000 to 2009. Using data from Chinese manufacturing firms, we observe a significant increase in the dispersion of firm-level regulation intensity since 2006, which translate into a 1.8% decline in manufacturing total factor productivity (TFP) from 2006 to 2009 compared to the previous period with laxer regulations.
讲座人简介: 周默涵,浙江大学百人计划研究员。主要研究领域为国际贸易、环境规制、产业组织。是国际上最早将异质性企业理论引入环境经济学的学者之一。运用异质性企业理论,重新诠释了环境经济学中重要的“波特假说”(Porter Hypothesis)并赋予其新的内涵。运用资源错配核算框架,估计了优化我国环境规制的潜在收益。